Volume 6, Issue 24 (Autumn 2008)                   ASJ 2008, 6(24): 489-500 | Back to browse issues page

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Nasresfahani M H, Tavalaei M, Deymeh M R. Origins and Evaluation of DNA Damage in Infertile Individual. ASJ 2008; 6 (24) :489-500
URL: http://anatomyjournal.ir/article-1-372-en.html
Abstract:   (1013 Views)
Assisted reproductive techniques (ART) are considered as the first line of treatment in overcoming infertility. The scope of success of these methods depends on several factors including integrity of sperm and oocyte. Obviously, paternal genomic content has an important effect on fertilization potential in infertile couples. Thus, sperm DNA damage is a genomic disorder that exists in different degree in infertile men. Since the first reports on sperm DNA integrity, this subject has become the focus of numerous studies. It has been reported that individuals with high percentage of sperm DNA damage have lower sperm parameters and, fertilization rate. Therefore, this review is based on our current understanding of mechanisms involved in sperm DNA damage and also will describe different procedures for evaluation of sperm DNA damage
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Morphometry
Received: 2021/12/25 | Accepted: 2008/10/19 | Published: 2008/10/19

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