Volume 11, Issue 1 (Winter 2014)                   ASJ 2014, 11(1): 15-24 | Back to browse issues page

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Karimi H, Abbasi M, Balazadehkocheh F, Hasanzadeh B. Histomorphometry of Golden Hamster Ovaries. ASJ 2014; 11 (1) :15-24
URL: http://anatomyjournal.ir/article-1-61-en.html
1- Department of Basic Science,
Abstract:   (7054 Views)
Introduction: Genital system is important herd in animal's creation. It is necessary for animal reproduction. Mammal has two sex in genital system such as male and female in separated animals. Animal reproduction destroyed by disorder of genital system. In this case, animals cannot produce an animal similar to them. Finally it cause overthrow a species of animals. 
Methods: Histomorphologic characteristic of hamster ovary studied in this research for a human model. 5 right and 5 left ovary of puberty hamster is studied. Studied biometric parameters were length, wildness and thickness. 
Results: This research results showed which right hamster ovary had 5/08±1/6mm in length, 3/05 ± 0/56 mm in wide ,and 2/88 ± 0/327 mm in diameter and left ovary had 4/68 ± 1/253 mm in length, 2/2 ± 0/703 mm in wide and 2/4 ± 0/609 mm in diameter. Countering of different type of hamster ovarian follicles were showed which number of primordial follicles were 1628/33± 305/6049, number of primary follicles were 307/33 ± 56/76, number of secondary follicles were 140 ± 60/63, number of tertiary follicles were 9± 0 and number of graafian follicles were 8 ± 3/6. Total count of hamster ovarian follicles was 2192/66± 178/46. Histological studies showed which covering epithelium, parenchyma of hamster ovary is similar to another mammal, and zuna plucida is forming in primary follicles when two cuboidal cell layers are observed around oocytes. 
Conclusion: Finally, because hamsters has short living period in comparing to human, therefore they have low ovarian follicles and oocytes but hamster ovarian follicles and oocyte were similar to human follicles and oocyte in histologic characteristics.
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Type of Study: Original |
Received: 2013/08/7 | Accepted: 2013/12/16 | Published: 2014/02/1

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