Volume 9, Issue 35 (Summer 2011)                   ASJ 2011, 9(35): 111-120 | Back to browse issues page

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Eftekharzadeh M, Mohammadzadeh F, Rastegar T, Nobakht M. Comparative Study of Simultaneously and Interval Injection Estradiol and Tamoxifen on Estrogen Receptor α Expression in the Ca 1 Region of Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons in Ovariectomized Rat. ASJ 2011; 9 (35) :111-120
URL: http://anatomyjournal.ir/article-1-530-en.html
Abstract:   (1070 Views)
Purpose: The aim of our study is the assesment of estrogen receptor a expression in pyramidal neurons in rat CA 1hippocampus that has been ovariectomized. By using the estrogen antagonist, Tamoxifen level of expression of estrogen receptor a in these cells. Materials and Methods: To study the effect of 17- b estradiol and tamoxifen on estrogen receptors a, expression in hippocampus rats of Wistar female rats weighting approximately 180-220 g, were ovariectomized. The rats after receiving Tamoxifen, and 17- b - estradiol simultaneously or with 12 delay hours, or receiving Tamoxifen and estradiol solvents, or solvent received Tamoxifen and estradiol, and eventually receiving two solvents, two or 24 hours after the last ip injection, were studied. Using western blotting techniques and protein expression of estrogen receptor a, the response rate of ER a activity immunoreactivity in different groups were evaluated. Results: Results from the present survey studies shows that research conducted with Western blot analysis by antibodies ER-a, the presence of estrogen receptor a 55 KDa proteins were shown only in the area CAI pyramidal cell cytoplasm The results also express that estrogen receptor a expression in groups under the effect of tamoxifen, if simultaneously received Tamoxifen and estradiol, have been shown to have decreased. Expression of estrogen receptor a in estrogen antagonist affected groups, with 12 hours delay, increase the show. Considering the half-life of Tamoxifen, Estrogen and Tamoxifen interaction, different responses towards a study group in 16 rats wrer verified.Conclusion: The presence of 17 - b - estradiol in the cytosol of cells through ER a receptor is expressed in our findings, In the group that 17 - b - estradiol along with Tamoxifen, were injected solvents were estrogen receptor protein expression in most reactions within the cell represents. Minimum response groups were injected solvent. Also during the 12-hour infusion interval, Tamoxifen, due to half life according to the arrival of TAM as an estrogen antagonist, remained unaffected by injection of 17– b estradiol, remains strong.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Morphometry
Received: 2021/12/30 | Accepted: 2011/08/28 | Published: 2011/08/28

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