Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring 2006)                   ASJ 2006, 4(1): 105-109 | Back to browse issues page

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Memar B, Tayebi Meybodi N, Amoueian S, Farzad Nia M, Kalantari M, Farhadi F. Serenomelia With Upper Limbs Abnormalities. ASJ 2006; 4 (1) :105-109
URL: http://anatomyjournal.ir/article-1-430-en.html
1- Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
Abstract:   (859 Views)
Sirenomelia is a rare congenital anomaly that characterized by complete or incomplete fusion of lower lims and often associated with various malformations.In this report we describe one case of sirenomelia with multiple malformations including fibular agenesis, complete agenesis of anurectum, external genitalia and urinary tract, Inadditin, there was multiple anomaly upper limbs including agenosis of radius that is rarely seen in other reports.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Morphometry
Received: 2021/12/26 | Accepted: 2006/04/21 | Published: 2006/04/21

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