1- Anatomy Department, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (1155 Views)
Purpose: The objective for this study is to investigate the morphology and ultrastructure of mouse endometrial epithelial cell monolayer cultured on matrigel in dual-chambered system as an in vitro mouse endometrial epithelial cell culture model that mimics structural and functional properties of the endometrial epithelium in vivo.
Materials and Methods: Mouse endometrial epithelial cells were enzymatically isolated using collagenase 0.25% and were seeded on Millipore filter insert coated with extracellular matrix Matrigel. The epithelial cells were studied microscopically by scanning electron microscopy. Tissue from uterine horn was also processed as control.
Results: Light microscopy was showed that, the monolayer cultured on matrigel resemble a confluence layer. Scanning electron microscopy revealed a confluence epithelium with abundance large and smooth membrane projections as well as pinopods.
Conclusion: Mouse endometrial epithelial cells in this culture model displayed characteristics near to the same cells in vivo. It can be suggested that this culture system may be provides a unique experimental model for basic research related to reproductive biology, endometrial pathology and basic cell biology issues.
Type of Study:
Original |
Morphometry Received: 2021/12/26 | Accepted: 2005/04/21 | Published: 2005/04/21