Volume 1, Issue 4 (Autumn 2003)                   ASJ 2003, 1(4): 21-28 | Back to browse issues page

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Hassan Zadeh G R, Ghorbani R, Akhavan L, Noori Z. Evaluation of Effect of Compund of Olea Europea L. and Myrtus Communis L. on Burn Wound Healing. ASJ 2003; 1 (4) :21-28
URL: http://anatomyjournal.ir/article-1-336-en.html
1- Anatomy Department, Ghazvin Medical Sciences University, Ghazvin, Iran.
Abstract:   (1170 Views)
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of compund of olea europea L. and myrtus communis L. on burn wound (type 2) healing.
Materials and Methods: 48 female rats were studied through dividing them to 4 groups of 12 rats. First group were choosen for a period of 7 days of treatment, second group for the period of 14 days treatment, the third group for the period of 21 days, and the fourth group for period of 28 days of treatment.Each group were divided in to 3 groups 1- control group, 2- Silver sulphadiazin, 3- myrtus oil group After general anesthezia with ketamin and xylazin (i.p) an area of the back of rats was burned with red-hot 50 Rials coin and similar grade II burns were created. Control grouop received no medication. In the second and third groups, the surface of the wound were covered daily with sulphadiazine and myrtus and respectively.At the end of each period rats were killed by Ether were samples were taken from the wound region, and were histologically assessed. Then, the samples were coloured studied with hematoxillin and Eosin and studied quantitatively.
Results: Results showed that after 4 weeks the healing of burn wounds in the group receiving myrtus communis L. and olea europeal L. oil and silver sulphadiazin was faster, better than the control group. There were no significant difference between the group receiving myrtus oil and silver sulphadiazin, but reduction in scar tissue after healing in the group treated by myrtus oil comparing with other groups.
Conclusion: Administration of topycal myrtus oil once a day in second degree burn wounds enhances the healing comparing to control group. Nearly similar results were observed in the silver sulphadiazin group comparing with myrtus oil group.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Morphometry
Received: 2021/12/25 | Accepted: 2003/10/18 | Published: 2003/10/18

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