Bibliographic Information

Full Journal Title

Anatomical Sciences Journal (ASJ)

ISSN 1728-6158
E- ISSN 1728-6158
Journal Disciplines Macro Anatomy, Microanatomy, Mammalian Embryology, Neuroscience, Medical Strategies in Anatomy
Language English
Start Year Winter, 2013
Frequency Biannually
Type of Material Serial (Periodical)
Owner Organization
Iran University of Medical Sciences
In Cooperation with Iranian Society of Anatomical Sciences
Co-publisher Negah Institute for Social Research & Scientific Communication
Editor-in-Chief Mohammad Hossein Asadi, Ph.D
Status Active
Refereed Double-blind Peer Review
Type of Access Open Access (OA)
Full text available PDF
Type of License CC-BY-NC
Plagiarism Detection Software iThenticate
Article Processing Charges With Article Processing Charge (85 US$)
Principles of Publishing Ethics COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practices; COPE Member
Document Identifier Type DOI

About the Journal

The “Anatomical Sciences Journal“ is an international journal and official scientific biannually publication of Iran University of Medical Sciences and the Iranian Society of Anatomical Sciences. The Purpose of Anatomical Sciences Journal is going to increase knowledge of the anatomists. ASJ as a multidisciplinary scientific medium publishes editorials, original full-length research articles, short communications, reviews, and commentaries, in the broad fields of Anatomy:

  • Macro Anatomy: Clinical Anatomy, Surgical Anatomy, Anthropological Anatomy, Growth, Surface Anatomy, Functional Anatomy 
  • Microanatomy: Histology and Ultra-structure of Different Cells, Cells and Tissues, Molecular Aspects of Cell and Tissues, Cell Differentiation Growth and Migration, Physiology of Different Organs. 
  • Mammalian Embryology: Gametogenesis, Fertilization, Gastrulation, Organogenesis, Development Different Organs before and after birth, Age Changes of Different Organs, Cell Manipulation, Cloning and Transgenic Animals, Genetic and Epigenetic, Stem Cell. 
  • Neuroscience: broad fields of developmental, molecular, cellular, systems, computational, behavioral, cognitive, and clinical neurosciences.
  • Medical Strategies in Anatomy, Anatomy Education, and other related subjects. No area in the anatomical sciences is excluded from consideration.  

ASJ also tries to empower national, regional and international collaborative networks in the field of Anatomy in Iran, Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa and to be the voice of the Iranian and regional anatomical sciences community in the world of anatomists. In this way, the journal encourages submission of editorials, review papers, commentaries, and perspectives that address this scope. This scientific medium has been indexed in several databases, including Scientific Journals of Iran Ministry of Health, and Google Scholar...


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