Anatomical Sciences Journal- Author Instruction
Author Instruction

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Aims and Scopes: The “Anatomical Sciences Journal“ is the official scientific biannually publication of Iran University of Medical Sciences and the Iranian Society of Anatomical Sciences.

The Purpose of Anatomical Sciences, as an International Journal, is going to increase knowledge of the anatomists. We also are going to publish the recent researches of Anatomy (Macro anatomy, Microanatomy, Growth, Cell), Medical Strategies in Anatomy, Anatomy Education, and other related subjects.

Submission: Papers should be submitted electronically to with a cover letter from the corresponding author.

Article Admission: This journal publishes Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Report and Short communication articles, all related to the journal goals.

1- Original articles: These are the article resulted in new findings.

2- Review articles: These are the article by well experienced authors and those who have excellencies in the related fields.

3- Case reports: Particularly articles containing instructive and research values

4- Short communication: can be in form of research article, systematic review or ongoing research which reports its interesting findings. The parts in this type of articles are like those of original one but they are smaller and prepared in maximum 2000 words.

The manuscript should include: Title page; the Abstract; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Acknowledgement, References, and attachments (tables, figures, graphs).

In your manuscript, use only standard abbre‌viations and symbols. Avoid using them in the title and ab‌stract. The full term for which an abbre‌viation stands for should precede its first use in the text unless it is a stan‌dard unit of measurement.

The title page should include the complete title of the manuscript, the name of all authors with their highest qualification, scientific degree, the department or institution, the school and university to which they are affiliated, city and country, address for correspondence with telephone numbers, e-mail, and fax number.

The abstract should contain structural frame including title, Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion, all prepared 250-350 words and 3 to 5 keywords at the end. Keywords will assist the indexers in cross indexing the articles as they are published with abstract. Use terms from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of Index Medicus ( Authors need to be careful that the abstract reflects the content of the article accurately.

Introduction should summarize the purpose and the rationale behind the study. It should neither review the subject extensively nor should it have results or conclusions of the study.

Materials and Methods employed must be precisely stated so that the others could repeatedly do the experiment.

Results must be presented in the form of text, tables and illustrations. The contents of the tables should not be all repeated in the text. Instead, a reference to the table number may be given. Graphs and images should have good quality and be prepared on separate pages including numbers and topics.

Number of graphs, tables and figures should be appropriate with the length of the article (one for 500 to 700 words).

Discussion should emphasize the present findings and the variations or similarities with other works done in the field by other workers. The detailed data should not be repeated in the discussion again. Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from them.

Acknowledgement: All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be covered in the acknowledgement section. It should include persons who provided scientific, writing assistance, etc. and those organizations which provided finance and materials.

Tables: In limited numbers (one for 500 to 700 words) should be submitted with the captions placed above. Do not submit tables as photograph. Place explanatory matters in footnotes, not in the heading.

Figures: Should be in limited numbers (one for 500 to 700 words), with high quality art work and mounted on separate pages. The captions should be placed below. The same data should not be presented in tables, fig‌ures and text, simultaneously.

References: All manuscripts should have related articles and to minimize errors in this field, authors should verify references against the original documents. All references should be numbered in caroche in the text and be brought at the end according to their order of appearance in the main text. Follow the examples:


3. Bancroft JD, Gamble M. Theory and practice of histological technique. 5th ed. Churchil Livingston, London, 2002, 556-7.

Chapter in book

4. Hassid WZ, Abrahams S. Chemical procedure for analysis of polysaccharides. In: Methods in enzymology. Edited by Colowick SP, Kaplan NO. 2nd ed. New York, Academy press CO, 1966, 34-7.


5. Yeon Lim J, Jeun SS, Lee KJ, Oh JH, Kim SM, Park SI, et al. Multiple stem cell traits of expanded rat bone marrow stromal cells. Exp Neurol 2006; 199: 416-26.

For more information on the journal reference guideline, please click here.

Proof: A finalized electronic version is sent to the corresponding author for proof reading before publication in order to avoid any mistakes. Corrections should be marked clearly and sent immediately to the Journal office.

Ethical Considerations

“Anatomical Sciences Journal (ASJ)“ is committed to apply ethics of publication, based on the COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practices. Also, in medical studies, ASJ has engaged to apply ethics of research, based on Declaration of Helsinki: Statement of Ethical Principles for Medical Research. So, the research’s ethical considerations must be addressed in the Materials and Methods section.  In this regard, please apply  following principles in your manuscripts:

Authors are responsible for their article’s content.  They should not send their articles to other journals at the same time before the final result is sent to them by Anatomical Sciences Journal. Anatomical Sciences Journal does not publish translated articles.

Informed consent must be obtained from all human participants. The anonymity of patient(s) and confidentiality of medical records must be considered by the author(s) of papers. The eyes and any other remark(s) of patient(s) helping to recognize them must be covered if necessary.

All articles should meet necessary ethical criteria. Ethical considerations should come in the methods section. One copy of approval letter from Medical Ethics Committee (human subjects and laboratory animals) of the institute should be included with the manuscript.

For more information on the journal’s ethical Principles, please refer to following links:

- ASJ’s Principles of Publishing Ethics
- ASJ’s Ethical Principles for Medical Research

Conflicts of interest:

The Anatomical Sciences Journal (ASJ) is committed to apply ICMJE recommendation on “Author Responsibilities—Conflicts of Interest” in the authors’ conflict of interest issues. Authors should disclose, at the time of submission, information on financial conflicts of interest or other interests that may influence the manuscript. Authors should declare sources of funding for the work undertaken, too. So, completion and signing the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest is necessary for all authors and the articles submission won’t be accepted without filling this form. 

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