Volume 6, Issue 25 And 26 (Winter & Spring 2008)                   ASJ 2008, 6(25 And 26): 549-557 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (730 Views)
Purpose: To determine the effects of mobile phones waves on the inner layer of pyramidal cells in rabbit. Materials and Methods: 18 male rabbits were selected and were randomly divided into 3 groups. These group are control group (Gi) and experimental group (G2 & G3). 6 rabbits were placed in each group. The animals in experimental group were exposed to microwave (915 MHz and intensity of 3 watt) for 17 days (4 hours in G2 & 8 hours in G3 every day). After one week rest, the animals were exposed to microwave for 2 weeks again. Finally, following one week rest, the samples of frontal lobe of cerebral cortex in all groups were taken and were processed for light and electron microscopic studies. The numbers and diameter of inner pyramidal cells nuclei (Betz) were compared using statistical methods. Qualitative (based on heterochromatin) and quantitative (based on diameter and number of pyramidal cells nuclei) studies were carried out on the micrographs using Image tool soft ware. The data have been compared using statistical methods (SPSS, Kruskal Wallis, Danet and P<0.05). Results: The analysis of the diameter of pyramidal cells nuclei in microwave exposed groups (G2, G3) showed significant decrease in comparison to control group (P<0.05). In the G2 and G3 group, the number of pyramidal cells show significant decrease in comparison to the control group (P<0.024). However, the number of pyramidal cells in G2 and G3 didn't show a significant decrease (P>0.74). The micrographs also confirmed increase in heterochromatin of pyramidal cells nucleus in experimental groups. Conclusion: The light and electron microscopy findings show that the microwave have negative effects on rabbit cerebellum cortex by decreasing the nuclear activity, number and the diameter of pyramidal cells nuclei but further studies is needed to prove this data. 
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Morphometry
Received: 2022/01/3 | Accepted: 2008/02/14 | Published: 2008/02/14

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